vineri, august 17, 2007


Inainte de a prezenta alte corespondente amoroase ale ambasadorului Manuela Vulpe, facem precizarea clara ca, aceste corespondente nu mai pot fi considerate private din moment ce sunt trimise cu sutele sa blocheze casuta de e-mail a unei redactii ! Si dupa cum sa complica situatia dezvaluirilor a ceea ce gasim in corespondente, tindem sa credem ca aceste aspecte tin tot mai mult de natura competentelor autoritatilor romane, pentru a se lamuri rapid in ce este implicata ambasadoarea Manuela Vulpe. Un lucru insa este cert, corespondenta amoroasa de mai jos este purtata cu actualul Presedinte al unui mic stat din Oceania, ce a fost indentificat foarte clar. Avand in vedere si interesele Australiei in zona, cu atat mai mult nu vom lasa la vedere adresa lui de e-mail. Se pune insa inca odata intrebarea, ce serviciu secret a exploatat aventurile amoroase ale ambasadorei romance si prin cine, si de ce, o platea cu zeci de mii de dolari, chiar si sub forma rolului de amant ?
Am stat foarte mult sa ne gandim inainte sa publicam aceste corespondente, ba chiar inainte de a le publica le-am pus, integral, la dispozitia autoritatilor romane competente. Si am triat cat am putut sa nu fie publicate lucruri prea personale sau de familie, insa daca din anumite discutii de familie reieseau dezvaluiri despre coruptie, traic de influenta si alte aspecte grave, ne-am asumat acest rol, poate ingrat, de a le pune la dispozitia romanilor. De ce am facut asta ? Pai fiindca noi toti suntem convinsi ca diplomatul roman tinut la post din banul public, trebuie sa se ocupe numai si numai de interesele Romaniei si ale poporului roman de pretutindeni. Ori din aceste corespondente putem intelege foarte clar, care sunt preocuparile anumitor specimene ce fac parte din corpul diplomatic romanesc.
Si cum noi nu credem in coincidente, va atasam la finalul acestui serial si dovada cine este Lara (prietena Manuelei Vulpe) iubita spionului bulgar Stancev. Veti vedea cum Premierul Adrian Nastase a facut, pe ultima suta de metri de mandat, cetateni romani, o gasca de rusi si iugoslavi ! Oare cati din ei au atributiuni in Romania exact ca si spionul bulgarul Stancev ?
Liviu Fulga

Zangy Comment Graphics
Corespondenta cu Presedintele actual al unui mic stat din Oceania !

Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 00:15:13 +0000
Subject: suerte !
Dear J...,
I imagine how busy you are. Just wanted to wish you best of luck in the elections. As the news report, it seems that you don´t have difficulties in winning.

From: <>
Subject: RE: suerte !
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2007 22:35:31 -0400
Hello love,
Tried to phone you a couple of times. Are you in Mexico ?
Think of you often ! Love you !
Many, many kisses.

Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:07:20 +0000
Subject: RE: suerte !
Yes, of course I am in Mexico. My mobile was out of service for a couple of days (but the land line always worked); otherwise everything is fine.
I wish you a Happy Easter.

From: ""
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 20:05:46 -0400
Subject: RE: suerte !
Gracias mi amor. Today is voting day here and I have cast my vote... for myself. Well at least I am sure I will get one vote. Love you

Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:21:08 +0000
Subject: RE: suerte !
I wouldn´t imagine you voted differently ! Being a Holly Day I am sure God was with you (only if you were not a too big sinner).
When will you know the results ?

From: ""
Subject: RE: suerte !
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 19:51:12 -0400
Manuela bellissima,
Election went with no major incidents. I am ahead but still not final and might still be defeated which would be quite a relief for me.
What you mean I am a big sinner ! have been completely faithful to you !
Love you.

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 20:12:28 +0000
Subject: RE: smile
I thought it would be a good idea to send you a smile of mine. It may cheer you up... or make you imagine things !

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 23:11:09 -0400
Subject: RE: smile
God... that can be very distracting ! I am going to the second round it seems. Now i am on my way to Syd to see my mom who is ill.
Miss you love.

Subject: RE: smile
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 17:13:19 +0000
Mr. President, congratulations! How are you ?
Look forward to hearing from you.

Corespondenta cu un diplomat acreditat in Republica Moldova

Subject: Warm greetings from the end of Europe>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 10:22:34 +0000
Hi Manuela,
finally I have got internet and I have a chance to share my impressions about Chisinau. Experience is quite interesting - green, confused, relaxed, fresh, nice people (and very beautiful girls), excellent food (I tried "mamaliga" with shashlik and rose champange and it was fantastic), tastes and flavours, most of people speaking both Romanian and Russian. Altogether it seems better than I expected although I need some more time for deeper evaluation. Flat where I live temporarely is inside better than the house itself. I need to explore more in the city but so far I had no energy and since Monday we start our wild work with EU Presidency (as I mentioned before we are substituting Portugal which makes it more complex). I hope you are doing well and have some time for yourself and family too. Did you have time to visit intersting ancient places with Indian culture ? Are you visting places with "mariachi" music ? How is going on with Spanish ? What about your son ? This is just a short notice for you to know that I did not forget. I would be happy to hear from you more. Huggs, F.
P.S. As for ASW I shall register as soon as I get good photos of myself (you mentioned that a photo is also needed ?).

Subject: RE: Warm greetings from the end of Europe
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2007 11:04:39 +0000
Hi, F... !
Good to hear from you. I am at the end of one of my sleeples nights. Since my son an my mom have gone (they left Mexico for good on 29 May) I have difficulties in adapting of living alone. After a serious consideration we decided that Mircea will NOT go to university in London (to his delight !) and he will do his studies in Romania. After all, he wants to become a politician in his own country, so he will be better off home - or is so that we considered appropriately at this time. And, really, it was too difficult to decide to let him live alone, far from his comfort and supervision.
Yes, I visited a lot of places in Mexico - but as well in Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica (where I am accredited), and more recently in Cuba (where I brought the diplomatic currier). I believe all these places are very interesting, but Mexico beats them all. Of course I go to mariachi music. Was this not one of the main reasons I came to Mexico for ? There are several placea where you can listen to this music, but I prefer one which is a night club in Sheraton-Maria Isabel Hotel-quite close to my house (close... to Mexico standards).
You know, I have never been to Chisinau (or to any other place in the Republic of Moldova, for the matter). I am sure it is nice. An-as it happens with Romania itself - the country is deeply underrated, but the reality much better. I am sure you will have an interesting time and you may eve find a nice girl. Even though you are very particular on this subject ! Yes, Moldovan women have a reputation of being very attractive. Many say Romanian are better.
There are so many things to say: about my work, about my frieds here, about the Mexicans themselves... Hwo knows, maybe will have a chance to talk "face to face" sometime.
OK, do this pictures of yours quicker and become a member of asw. I think this could be nice if you had the time to spend on it and if you are not an... ambassador.
I wish you best of luck and enjoy Moldova ! Or, at least, a part of it.
PS My Spanish is great. I give interviews on TV; I give conferences. More difficult is the writing, but, all in all, I can manage quite well.

Subject: RE: Warm greetings from the end of Europe
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:03:05 +0000
Hi Manuela,
thanks for your fantastic message. I got the impression that you are a full master of your life. Seems to me much enjoyable, especially compared to my current situation. Naturally, happiness of my friends is also my happiness.
It made me also realise that in fact we know each other for quite a long time but we had not too much chance to spend some more time together. I can understand Mircea's decision about getting sticked to one place because, after all, our nomadic way of life brings much of disadvantages. Especially sad is when you get used to some place and then suddenly you have to change it for another. Surely, it depends on values and approach to life, but I speak mostly of my own experience.
I liked very much that you have chance to see much of the Mid-American countries, enjoy tastes, colours, music, people etc. I feel literally buried alive next to you.
Chisinau is small and sleepy town, not built enough for people wishing to live higher living standard (like Mexico), with no sea etc.etc. As for under rating I would just note not that rating is not related only to capitals and rich people but to the country as a whole. As for girls I am sure Romanian ones are even more attractive (my compliments to you !), but you know I have quite a special approach in this respect which makes my situation complex: Beauty is only one of criteria, character and personality are sometimes even more important, especially for longer live together...
Most of my time is work, as of July we start EU Presidency and speed will be even higher. I shall see what is possible to take from the place. Especially food and wine are very tasty, everything relatively cheap for diplomats.

One more thing - congratulations on your Spanish - it is quite fantastic that you achieved such a level ! I have always admired you as a woman and dimplomat ! I am still struggling with French, especially for I have not enough time and environment to improve. During my sutdies in Rome we had bilingual education but today I speak mostly English and Russian. Never mind I shall not give up.
Looking forward to your messages and wishing you a nice weekend. Huggs,

HOTARARE Nr. 709 din 14 mai 2004
privind acordarea cetateniei romane unor persoane
In temeiul art. 108 din Constitutia Romaniei, republicata, precum si al art. 11 din Legea cetateniei romane nr. 21/1991, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare,
Guvernul Romaniei adopta prezenta hotarare.
Se acorda cetatenia romana persoanelor prevazute in anexa care face parte integranta din prezenta hotarare.
Ministrul justitiei,
Cristian Diaconescu
p. Ministrul afacerilor externe,
Bogdan Lucian Aurescu,
secretar de stat
p. Ministrul de stat,
ministrul administratiei si internelor,
Florin Zamfir Sandu,
secretar de stat
LISTA persoanelor carora li s-a aprobat acordarea cetateniei romane in temeiul art. 8 din Legea cetateniei romane nr. 21/1991, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare
1. Colescas Constantin, fiul lui Vanghelis si Maria, apatrid, nascut la 28 decembrie 1969 in localitatea Onesti, judetul Bacau, Romania, cu domiciliul actual in bucuresti, bd. Theodor Pallady nr. 4, bl. M2, sc. E, et. 7, ap. 207, sectorul 3.
2. Dobrescu Marina, fiica lui Vladimir si Natalia, cetatean rus, nascuta la 20 octombrie 1968 in localitatea Omsk, Rusia, cu domiciliul actual in Bucuresti, str. Maica Domnului nr. 14, sc. 1, bl. T.52, ap. 8, sectorul 2.
3. Ieran Galina, fiica lui Pavel si Eudochia, cetatean rus, nascuta la 4 decembrie 1932 in localitatea Popasnaia, judetul Vorosilovgrad, Rusia, cu domiciliul actual in localitatea Oradea, Str. Sucevei nr. 5, sc. B, et. 2, ap. 22, judetul Bihor.
4. Lupej Aurike, fiul lui Titu si Latinka, cetatean iugoslav, nascut la 17 septembrie 1974 in localitatea Vrsac, Iugoslavia, cu domiciliul actual in localitatea Timisoara, Str. Teiului nr. 13, sc. B, ap. 3, judetul Timis.
5. Motoc Liudmila, fiica lui Piotr si Valentina, cetatean rus, nascuta la 25 septembrie 1936 in localitatea Leningrad, Rusia, cu domiciliul actual in Bucuresti, Aleea Rotunda nr. 4, bl. H6, sc. E, et. 1, ap. 87, sectorul 3.
6. Stangacilovic Lara, fiica lui Milivoje si Krina, cetatean iugoslav, nascuta la 20 februarie 1975 in localitatea Bor, Iugoslavia, cu domiciliul actual in Bucuresti, bd. Magheru nr. 7, bl. 1, et. 6, ap. 19, sectorul 1.
7. Tiplica Grigori, fiul lui Stefan si Valentina-Petrovna, cetatean rus, nascut la 3 septembrie 1959 in localitatea Urlkai, Rusia, cu domiciliul actual in localitatea Buzau, str. Brosteni bl. B3, sc. A, et. 1, ap. 5, judetul Buzau.
8. Tiplica Vladimir, fiul lui Stefan si Valentina-Petrovna, cetatean rus, nascut la 18 mai 1963 in localitatea Bologorsk, Rusia, cu domiciliul actual in localitatea Buzau, Str. Stadionului bl. 3B, et. 1, sc. B, ap. 26, judetul Buzau.


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